St James Garlickhythe is the livery church of a number of companies. The site has been a sacred place since 1100 AD. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St James in 1683 to be full of light, since when it has become known as ‘Wren’s Lantern’.

All services follow the Traditional Anglican format conducted according to the Book of Common Prayer. St James is renowned for its music and professional choirs. Its Organist and Director of Music is Alderman Dr Sir Andrew Parmley.

The Annual Service of the Company takes place at St James on the first Thursday after Michaelmas. The Master, Wardens, Court of Assistants, Honorary Chaplain and the Clerk, all led by the Beadle, process to it through the City streets.

This date is also the one on which the new Master and Wardens take office at the Installation Dinner which follows the Annual Service.

Painting of the church pictured with permission of the artist David Birtwhistle, his sister is a past master of this Company.

Livery Church