Needlemakers compete in the Inter-Livery Clay Pigeon Shooting Competition 2016
Sunday 29 May 2016
A team of four Needlemakers competed in the 2016 competition held at the Holland and Holland Shooting Grounds in Northwood, Middlesex.
The teams battled it out over a ten stand, 80 bird sporting layout including a four man, 80 bird, flush from the high tower.
Lack of practice meant that we didn't win a prize, but we didn't disgrace ourselves either! Despite the rainy weather it was a thoroughly enjoyable day, ending with a splendid lunch in the marquee.
Special points for perseverance must go to Nick ter Averst who had to travel there by scooter as both his cars had been stolen the night before!
Over 70 Livery Companies competed with 50% of the monies raised being awarded as prizes to the winning teams' nominated charities.
The remainder goes to charities chosen by members of the organising volunteers, including a contribution of a £1000 to the Lord Mayor’s charity.
If you are interested in competing next year (17 May 2017), do please contact Nick ter Averst.