Awards Dinner 2023

Sunday 23 July 2023

On 11th July, Needlemakers and their guests gather together at Apothecaries Hall where they were greeted by very smart cadets from 27(F) Chingford squadron, including the winner of the inaugural Needlemakers' Prize for best uniform. Guests enjoyed a drink in the beautiful courtyard before making their way to the dinner. Each year, the company invites some of the prize winners to join members at this event. The evening started with music from flautist Alex Ho, winner of the Needlemakers' Prize for Woodwind in 2023.

Following a superb meal, Liveryman Dr Susan Kay-Williams, CEO of the Royal School of Needlework, introduced two of the talented prize winners who are completing their studies at the RSN. Both brought examples of their work so liverymen were able to see the exquisite detail close up.

We then heard from Lt Col Nathan Horseman, CO of affiliated regiment 3PWRR who introduced prize winners from their unit.

In addition, the Master made a surprise presentation of a certificate to Liveryman John Ryan as he has now been a member for over 50 years.

A fine evening was had by all!


27(F) Air Cadets