350th Anniversary Banquet

Thursday 13 February 2014

To celebrate the 350th anniversary of the granting of our Charter by King Charles II a banquet was held at the Guildhall on 13 February 2014 when over 460 people attended the four course dinner.

To celebrate the 350 th anniversary of the granting of our Charter by King Charles II a banquet was held at the Guildhall on 13 February 2014 when over 460 people attended the four course dinner.

The health of the Company was proposed by Alderman Dr. Andrew Parmley, Master of the Glass Sellers who are likewise celebrating their 350 th anniversary and Air Marshall Ian Macfadyen, Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle responded on behalf of the guests.

All Liverymen were presented with a new book describing the royal connections to the Livery, written by Rodney Edrich.

350th Anniversary Banquet