27F Cadets Prize Giving 2023

Monday 19 June 2023

On 17 June 2023, PM Pamela Goldberg (Charity Chair) accompanied by her husband John and Liveryman Chris Frankland (liaison with the Squadron) attended the Annual awards Evening.

On arrival, they were greeted by a Guard of Honour of immaculately turned-out Cadets lining the pathway into the hall where a buffet was being served. They were able to pass over IT equipment to the Officer Commanding, Darren Cornhill, as part of a donation from the Needlemakers Charity that will help improve the delivery of training and the move towards making the Squadron paperless.

The formal part of the evening commenced with a musical presentation from one of the Cadets. This was followed by presentations of approaching 200 badges for achievements in 24 activities. These ranged from first aid to cyber and aviation to the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

After a short interval and a performance by the London Wing Choir, 14 individual awards and trophies were presented. Examples are best attendance, most improved Cadet, best NCO. Pamela presented the Needlemakers Shield for Best Uniform to Cadet Rukavisnikovs – who had earlier been on the stage several times to receive other awards and badges.

The evening was rounded off by an inspiring address from Wing Commander Braddy-Green, who oversees the 27 Squadrons comprising the London Wing. Coming from a single parent family, with five siblings, living in social housing, he described the beneficial impact that being a Cadet had on him. He emphasised the effectiveness of different elements of the training programme, as well as the key role played by the leaders, all of whom are volunteers – including himself.

The Squadron is clearly in good heart, its numbers are growing, and everyone is looking forward to returning to their newly re-furbished HQ later in the summer.

Needlemakers meet Cadets